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:: Guides for Authors ::
 | Post date: 2023/01/8 | 
Guides for Authors (PDF)

Guides for authors
Types of articles
  1. Original Research Articles
  2. Short Communications
  3. Technical Notes
  4. Review Articles
Original Research Articles should report the results of original research. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form. The length of an Original Research Article should be the minimum required to describe and discuss the research finding clearly.
Short Communication should provide a brief but complete description of a small investigation, which will not be included in an original article. It could be submitted to the journal as such, or may result from a request to condense a regular paper, during the peer review process.
Technical Note should provide information for a new specific development, method, technique or procedure falling within the scope of Iranian Journal of Livestock Science.
Review Articles should cover the subjects of current interest and fall within the scope of the journal. The review articles are also subjected to the same peer review process as applies for other articles.
The IJLS accepts only manuscripts through the online submission system. Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of submitting your manuscript details and uploading your files. The author will be notified of the submission process using E-mail.
Submit your article
Please submit your article via http://IJLS.yu.ac.ir
Manuscript Format
The articles (submitted) published in Iranian Journal of Livestock Science (IJLS) should be written in good English. Manuscript should be written in a word document using Times Roman fonts (12). It should have double spacing throughout the manuscript. The manuscript should also have numbered in lines and pages of the manuscript. It will be organized in the following order:
First page (Title page)
Title page must be submitted as part of manuscript. This should contain:
  • Title – It should be clear, precise and descriptive but not too long.
  • Name of each author (first name and surname preferred)
  • Complete postal address (es) of affiliations
  • A running title (less than 40 characters),
  • Full telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author
Subsequent sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Figure Captions, Tables (in separate file(s)), Figures (in separate files(s))
Abstract and Keywords
A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods, the principal results and major conclusions. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Citations should not be used in the abstract. The abstract length should be less than 250 words for Original article and Review, less than 100 words for Short Communications and Technical Notes. Immediately after the abstract, provide up to eight, but at least 5, relevant keywords that describe the subject of the article, and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, "and", "of").
State the purpose and scope of the research clearly, and provide an adequate background with reference to previous works, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
Material and methods
Provide sufficient detail of the materials and methods used to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference and only relevant modifications should be described. This section should also explain statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the results. Subheads in this section should be descriptive phrases.
Present the results in the form of text, tables and illustrations. It should be clear and concise. The contents of the tables should not be repeated in the text.
Describe the significance of the research results, not repeat them. This should emphasize the present findings and the differences or similarities with other works in the same field of the study. A combined Results and discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
Present the main conclusions and implications of the work, and also possible new research directions on the subject in Conclusions section.
Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing technical and language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.). Financial and material support and conflict of interests must be written in this section.
  • Tables should be numbered according to their appearance in the manuscript.
  • Each table should have a brief explanatory title in a separate page of the manuscript after the Literature Cited section.
  • The tables should be submitted in text format; tables submitted as images are not acceptable.
  • Any explanations essential to the better understanding of the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table.
  •  Avoid vertical rules.
  •  Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the results presented in tables do not described elsewhere in the manuscript.
  • The tables should be provided as separate files, which will be uploaded separately during manuscript submission.
  • All figures should be cited and discussed in the manuscript.
  • Each figure should have a caption, separately, not attached to the figure.
  • The figure captions will briefly describe the key points and explains any symbols and abbreviations used.
  • The figure captions should be added at the end of the manuscript.
  • The figures should be provided as separate files, which will be uploaded separately during manuscript submission.

Prepare the references according to APA system and enter the Endnote software. The authors are responsible for the references accuracy. Sample references are given below (according to APA system):
  • Article with one author
Erickson, B. (1966). Development and senescence of the postnatal bovine ovary. Journal of animal science, 25(3), 800-805.
  • Article with two authors
Moolhuijsen, L. M., & Visser, J. A. (2020). Anti-Müllerian hormone and ovarian reserve: update on assessing ovarian function. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 105(11), 3361-3373.
  • Article with more than two authors
Spears, N., Lopes, F., Stefansdottir, A., Rossi, V., De Felici, M., Anderson, R., & Klinger, F. (2019). Ovarian damage from chemotherapy and current approaches to its protection. Human reproduction update, 25(6), 673-693.
  • Book
Trounson, A. O., & Gosden, R. G. (2003). Biology and pathology of the oocyte: its role in fertility and reproductive medicine: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chapter in a book
Mayanil, C. S., Siddiqui, M. R., Ichi, S., Mania-Farnell, B., Tomita, T., & McLone, D. (2015). MicroRNAs in neural crest development MicroRNA in Regenerative Medicine (pp. 515-538): Elsevier.
  • Article published in conference proceedings
Eppig, J. J., Wigglesworth, K., & Pendola, F. L. (2002). The mammalian oocyte orchestrates the rate of ovarian follicular development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(5), 2890-2894.
  • Doctoral dissertation and master's theses
Henkel, J. W. (2021). Genetic analysis of coat color phenotypes in domestic animals [Doctoral dissertation, Universität Bern].
  • Article in Persian journals
Heravi Moussavi, A. R., Danesh Mesgaran, M., & Vafa, T. (2013). Factors affecting reproductive performance of Holstein Dairy Cows. Journal of Ruminant Research, 1(2), 75-92. (In Persian).
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